The New MIT Sites Hosting Service

Welcome to MIT Sites, a platform where MIT faculty, staff and students can use free, easy-to-use templates to create department, research, and personal websites. MIT Sites is powered by CampusPress using the WordPress framework.

Note that this service is currently inBETA, and while your data will be safe, the end-user experience is subject to change. If you have any questions, contact

There are four templates to choose from when starting off your site

DLC Template

Showcase the work and people in your department, lab or center.

CV Template

Highlight your professional accomplishments.

Portfolio Template

Showcase your academic interests and projects.

Student Group Template*

Share information about your student group.

*Only MIT student groups that are sponsored through formal channels (i.e., request and receive written approval to be sponsored by a department lab or center) or are recognized clubs under the auspices of the Association of Student Activities are authorized to use the MIT name and logo for club-related purposes.

MIT Sites is sponsored by MIT Information Services & Technology (IS&T). To learn more about MIT Sites on CampusPress BETA, check out the FAQ or reach out to

Step 1 of 2
Please sign in first
You are on your way to create a site.